A.5 Asset ID Numbering Schemes

A few examples of numbering systems are presented below.

Example 1:


ABC = Facility Designation (i.e., which pump station, well, treatment building, etc.)
DEFG = Equipment Type (i.e., description of the equipment, such as pump, blower, well)
1234 = Equipment Numbering
    First Number = Process Number (primary treatment, secondary treatment, etc.)
    Second through Fourth Numbers = equipment number

AP-PMP2001 is the Atlas Plant Pump in the Pretreatment Building, Number 001

AP = Atlas Pump
PMP = Pump
2 = Pretreatment
001 = Pump Number 1

Example 2:


A = Utility Type (water or wastewater)
BCD = Major Category (water - source, treatment, distribution; wastewater - collection, treatment, solids handling, discharge)
EFG = Equipment Type (i.e., description of the equipment, such as pump, blower, well)
123 = Equipment Number

W-TMT-FIL-034 is the Water Treatment Filter number 34

W = Water
TMT = Treatment
FIL = Filter
034 = Number 34

Example 3:

It is also possible to have a numbering scheme that is for a specific asset class, such as manholes.

M - 1234 - ABCD - 1234

M= Manhole
1234= House Address
ABCD = Street Abbreviation
1234 = Manhole Number

M-3201-MNTG-0345 is the Manhole near 3201 Montgomery Street, number 345

M = Manhole
3201 = Nearest House Number
MNTG = Montgomery Street
0345 = Manhole Number

Collecting the information was a little bit of trial and error.
--Derek Sherry, Platte City, MO
